Monday, May 26, 2014

yoga soccer

You will need a small soccer ball for this game. Set up one goal against the wall on one side of the room and have one kid be the goalie. I usually just use a mat and let that set the boundaries of the goal. Then place the "kicker" in front of the goal, maybe six feet away from the goalie. The kicker gets into downward facing dog and places the soccer ball on the mat below them, somewhere between their belly button and chest.

Then the kicker raises one leg, bends their knee and "kicks" the soccer ball toward the goalie, hitting the ball with their knee. The kicker will need to move in to a plank like position to properly hit the ball and send it towards the goal.

Then the goalie tries to stop the ball.

The ball needs to be smaller than a standard sized soccer ball, or else it won't fit between their arms when kicking it to towards the goal. 

Hovering over the ball with one leg lifted in plank position is great work for their core. I usually give each kicker three times to kick, and then we switch players. Also encourage them to switch legs. 

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